Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Como se dice vintage, in Spanish ?

Yeah, it's going to be another one of those 'hey look I got new cards' kind of post. Then again, it's pretty much all I've got in stock, I'm afraid. But I still try to make them somewhat entertaining. Sometimes.

I've been posting a little less lately, mainly because I haven't been adding that many cards to my collection (but I've been very active on ebay for the past couple of weeks, plus I've finally pulled the trigger on my justcommons order that's been waiting patiently in the online cart for 5 months), but also because of something else I wanted to share with you guys : I'm trying to write a novel. Yup, absolutely, everybody and their grand-mothers have written novels in their lives (how can so many people have so much to write about and think that others want to read them ?), but what can I say, I think I'm special. Anyway, I've been on and off about it for 3 or 4 years now, and this time I'm fully committed. I have the idea, and all it's really about is hard work and trying to find a few hours each day to write. So far I have 20 000 words written in a month, and I'll use the energy  and perseverance of Nanowrimo to write 50 000 more by the end of November.

So woohoo, I'm excited about that. And of course, I'm writing in French, rest assured, I won't be botching your lovely language.

Anyway, here are some nice cards I received today :

This one should help for the playoff push

When I left the hobby, Jose Cruz Jr was a major star, with cards carrying a premium. I got this one for .99cts.

I bought those 3 cards as fillers for the one right underneath. Because you pay $2 fees minimum with Comc no matter how many cards you have shipped to your mailbox. And it's .50 ct per card. So the math wizz that I am figured he might as well try and get at least 4 cards shipped. Quite the smart guy, Mr Papoy. I got Pirates and Twins because of my trade partners, but it's still a great looking set.

I paid $17 for that card, and I'm very happy I did. The overall condition isn't that bad (of course, there's a mark and a slight crease on the top right), but I've always said it's not really a factor. All I wanted was to be able to say that yes, absolutely, I do have a 65 Clemente in my collection, sure, oh ok, my place or your place ?

But maybe I'm just daydreaming...


  1. a novel idea! perhaps you can share the subject matter? My Frenchy is rusty to non-existent so I fear I may never read it. I've heard it said - push the pen until it pulls you. Finding time is a challenge and i wish you the best success! Even if you are here less, drop a line to say hi.

    1. I'll email you about it at some point, I promise ! Who knows, maybe Simon and Schuster will pick it up and translate it. We never know. And yeah, to write is an ordeal, it's very difficult. But I'm trying ! thanks for the support, and I'll always find some time to post my cards, of course

  2. I dunno, that Len Randle is a pretty cool card, I think you should go after the 1975 set!

    1. don't tempt me ! and it's far from impossible, so I just might...I JUST MIGHT

  3. I've picked up so many girls over the years by saying I have an extensive collection of Roberto Clemente cards, would you come over and see them.

    1. I actually feel bad not sending it out to you, you know

    2. Keep it my friend. It is a glorious piece of cardboard. Clemente's don't fall off trees.

  4. 99¢ for the Cruz autograph? That's why I love the Archives Fan Favorites Autographs so much. Most of them are affordable... and all of them are on-card. Nice find. But not quite as nice as the Clemente. Beautiful card.

    1. same here ! I've picked up quite a few for just a couple of dollars at a time, and I love the design and the fact that they are on card. Too bad the Clemente is a little stained, but I can vastly live with that

  5. Great Clemente. There's a package headed your way
