
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mama said knock you out

Ok, so where was I ?
Oh yeah...less money blablabla less time to blog blablabla less trades blablabla still enjoying the hobby very much though etc etc.

I did however manage to grab a few cards off ebay (mainly for trades) to avoid collapsing from withdrawal. Be warned though, this isn't going to be very exciting !

I wasn't really around when the whole parallels craze came about in the late 90s, but I do understand that those certified gold were a pain to find (1:299 if my memory serves me right, and I'm just too lazy to check right now (God I hope nobody reads that blog to learn anything)). This is the very first of my collection, and at .99 ct I'm sure it's still a bargain 20 years after its release. And yeah, I did peel it off.

Shawn Green has been signing a lot of cards lately, which is fine by me as I've always liked him even if he's probably better known for his Dodgers playing days.

Yes, absolutely, that card is definitely ugly. But I've always wanted a Byron Scott auto in my collection. I don't know why. Probably because I've watched my Back to Back VHS hundreds of times (it came with a subscription to a basketball magazine and is the tale of their back to back championships from 88-89). I'll probably never own a Magic auto, but James Worthy is next on my list.

So there you go, three very random cards for a random post !
I'll be back.
I promise.
Don't forget about me. We're still friends.

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